We are all for mamas-to-be not missing out on fun, and Halloween is no exception. Finding the right Halloween costume for you and your bump can be hard, especially when clothes are not your best friend right now. BUT, with the right costume, your baby bump can be your best Halloween accessory! These 5 maternity Halloween costumes are perfect for preggos, easy enough to DIY, and will easily take first place in this year's costume contest.

1. Mother Earth by tianna.tettemer

2. Juno by brittanyviklund

3. Mummy-To-Be by aubreeoriginals

4. Fortuneteller by yogarays_

5. Handmaid's Tale by kelliegerardi
Don't forget to toast to the spookiest night of the year with a bottle of Ready to Pop... it's scary good!

featured image by CustomTeesForTots